24 May 2007

Breakfast in bed...

... this why you have kids!

The girls were, as usual, up and about before us yesterday. First on the balcony watching telly, and then downstairs. They were being quiet, but not worryingly so. Quiet enough to hear things being moved around and Daisy saying

"Holly, I want Shreddies... Holly, I WANT Shreddies... "

"In a minute, Daisy, I've just got to get Mum and Dad's breakfast first, haven't I?"

"Holly, I want SHREDDIES!!"

"I'm just going to take Mum and Dad's breakfast upstairs for them, then I'll do it, ok?"

Footsteps upstairs. A small body arrives in the bedroom with a bowl full of museli (Liam's favourite), milk and peach yoghurt.

"Here you go, Dad, here's your breakfast. I'll just go and get Mum's now."

Walks out of the bedroom and then back in again and says in a reassuring way...

"Mum, I didn't put peach yoghurt on yours." (not my favourite)

Footsteps downstairs and back up and a bowl of Shreddies with strawberry yoghurt.

"Thank you, Holly" with tears in our eyes. She disappears and goes and gets Daisy Shreddies.

Hopefully next time she'll bring a cup of tea too... xxxx


Anonymous said...

Am sending train tickets as you read! much love mitzie

Phoebe J. Southwood said...

Guess I need a kid. My cats are worthless.