18 August 2007

Future is not bright and it's not Orange...

Yesterday, with no warning whatsoever, the barhstuds deleted my account from their server (because it was once a dial-up account + we are now broadband), and so went not only my email address but also ALL my emails along with pictures and vids, and all my contacts.

I cried.

I now have a new Google email address (actually I have two, because of their insanely weird way they have of doing stuff and them having so many fingers in so many pies, Desktop/Blogger/Talk etc).

The one I was going to use, isn't the one I wanted, and the one I wanted has my old email address as the username (for some unknown reason); my head hurts.

Anyway, here is my new one that I'm going to use, you just need ignore the name on it when I mail you.


merriol@merriol.com still works fine.

RIP ermintrude-slipper.freeserve.co.uk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will always remember Emintrude!!!!!