02 June 2007


The other day... er... Wednesday, actually, I signed up for CouchSurfing. I had vaguely heard of it a few years ago, and then I came across it again in an article in The Big Issue I bought when I went to get my lovely haircut. There were actually a few things in that issue I was interested in, but it got 'lost' once it arrived back in the house, and so many of them have come to nothing. (one of them being A Priscilla Drag Queen event in Glasgow asking for volunteers which I would have loved to have got involved in... but hey... ).

So, back to the one thing I did remember and finally, after 2 months, look-up on-line and actually do something about.

Today I got my first request for help and request for possible hosting... WOOHOO! (if you do go and check-out my profile look in 'Connections' and you'll see the guy I've been Skype-ing tonight). I'm very excited. Probably nothing will come of it, but it was great getting that initial contact. Actually, I got two emails from members within the first day saying 'hi, welcome etc'. Very friendly. Very impressed.

I regret not travelling more. So, this is my way of making up for it a little. (My big plan is to move to Spain or France for a while and let Liam work and me look after the kids... still working on that one... may take a while... this is my first step! Wish me luck!!) (oh, and if you know of anyone who'd want to rent a drafty old school for 'a while' let me know).

Had a great day today. Took the girls to our friends Michelle and Brian's wee girl Ava's 1st birthday party. (what a truly awful sentence, sorry). Kids had a riot eating crisps and running around the garden. The sign of good hosts, I think, are ones that not only setup a table for the kids, but have an extension cable running out into the garden with a kettle and tea and coffee... excellent!

Brought the girls home for a while to see their sickly father, chatted to my mum on the phone, then took them to the official opening of our local, newly improved, swing park. A group of locals got together and raised loads of money and spent it on new equipment. It is brilliant. The kids love it. And not only that, they also hosted an open day with bouncy castle, tea and coffee, burgers, raffle, races and games... all for free! There was something for everyone. It was great. Even in the rain. And the midges. A lot of hard work, but worth it for the number of people that turned up and stayed for a long time. I'm sure they'll be having a few beers tonight, they deserve it!

Thanks guys.


Phoebe J. Southwood said...

I am excited about the CouchSurfing.com idea...you know you can always surf over here, too!

glittermummy said...

That sounds fantastic


Hope your double party went well. Would love to see pics, especially of you in your lovely dress xx