oops... nearly forgot!
But hey, here I am... I know, I know, it's only the first day, and I nearly didn't make it to this, so I think that's pretty good.
What has happened today? See, this is why I don't bother, not a lot happened today. I was up at 7am to tend to the toileting needs of the girls, while Liam slept. I then made tea and brushed my teeth, while Liam slept. I went for a ½hr lie down, while Liam slept. I got the girls dressed with minimum fuss, while Liam slept. Then downstairs for breakfast for the girls, and into the shower for me, while Liam slept. Then dressed, while Liam sat around in bed watching me and wondering why I was a little miffed!!! grrr
Nipped into surgery work to setup something I forgot to do on Friday when I wasn't feeling well and I remembered about at 5.30am this morning. Then onto hotel work. Got everything done, just about and almost impressed my new line manager, who by-the-way has a really annoying habit of coming to have a meeting with at 4.55pm and keeping me there until about 5.30 (I usually leave at 5pm!!).
Went for a cup of tea with my mum on the way home, which was lovely especially as it was dry and sunny and just warm enough to sit outside with coats on. And after being stuck in an office with no windows all day, until 5.30, it was especially lovely.
Got home to a house full of girls; Naomi had come to ours from school and Liam had taken 3 girls to dance class!!! What a guy. :oD Very proud of him. It also works out nicely because our friend Debs will take Holly after school tomorrow and take her to shinty, so he gets an afternoon with just Daisy after nursery. Thank you very much, Debs xxx
Then tonight had a lovely bathtime with Holly and Daisy, Liam did stories and I have been sat here 'chatting' to Debs and Gaenor... excellent!
Now, I'm going to bed because I'm working all day tomorrow on reception, not my favourite job, and it's normally my day off... boohoo for me. However, poor Laura was there for a 10 hr day today, on her own with Practice Manager interviews and flu clinics happening around her... she is amazing!
OK, I'm away... see you tomorrow... ???
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