03 October 2007

Who do you love, Daisy?


"Do you love Mummy?"

"No. Just Kate."
Mummy bends to lovingly kiss her youngest child. The blonde beautiful girl looks up at her mother and says:
"I love Kate. I just do. I just love her."
The other day we had to come to the compromise of her loving Kate AND Mummy before disowning started.

Tonight said spawn-of-all-things-horrid put on her Father's glasses and with a cheeky, cute grin said

"Who do I look like?"
BIG GRIN. She takes them off.

"Who do I look like now?"

Being silly I say


"No. I look like Kate. (a beat) Kate and you."

Disowning is still not off the cards... she's just so damned cute!!

(all that was because I couldn't remember the funny cute thing they said this morning)

Ah! I just remembered about Holly and her crisps. We buy very expensive Organix crisps for our kids because they are not fried and full of nasty stuff. They'll get plenty of that when they are older. Anyway, they love them. That is until now... school time. They have until the last few days been making up H's play piece. Then one day she announced that they were for toddlers and she wasn't eating them. Thinking that another child has been telling her this (and it is true that they are generally given to toddlers, but many kids her age and older eat them too) we tell of her other friends that eat them and that she normally eats them etc etc. She then announces that it was her teacher that made the claim that they were 'baby food crisps'. I hope that is NOT true. I don't want a teacher of all people putting my child off healthy food.

It has to be said that the claim has only been made by Holly who, tonight, (when out of no-where decided she needed to again justify her not eating the crisps), she told me that Luke (her sight neuron) had clicked the mouse on his computer and now she couldn't see the crisps, so she couldn't eat them. He then did that to all the neuron's computers so she couldn't see, smell, taste or touch the crisps, making it impossible for her to eat them.

"Oh... and I couldn't hear them either"

She helpfully explained when she realised she might have left a loophole...

... I'm going for a lie down... for a long time.


Junk Monkey said...

(all that was because I couldn't remember the funny cute thing they said this morning).

That is so annoying isn't it? And it's not as if you can go up to them and ask.

"Oi! Holly? What was that incredibly cute thing you said this morning?"

Doesn't work does it?

Phoebe J. Southwood said...

I wish sometimes I could understand Holly better...

Anonymous said...

OMG! Cant beleve i said that hehehehe